
Sunday, 18 August 2013

Hack Facebook

Step 1
Use "ARP Poisoning"  in order to poison victims "ARP CACHE" and route all the traffic through our computer.
Step 2
Since all the traffic would be rotued through our computer, we would simply launch a packet sniffer (Wireshark) and capture the authentication cookies for facebook.
Step 3
Finally we would replace the victims authentication cookie with our cookies and therefore hacking into victims Facebook account. 

Hack A Facebook Account [ARP Poisoning] {STEP 1 }
I have wrote lots of tutorials on ARP Poisoning, therefore i won't got into much details on how it works. We would use a tool named "Cain And Abel" to accomplish this task. So here is how we will use "Cain And Abel" to carry out a Man in the Middle attack to hack a facebook account.

Step 1 - Download "Cain and Abel" from the link above and launch it.
Step 2 - Turn on the sniffer by clicking on the Green button at the top, Next scan for the Mac Addresses by clicking on the plus sign (+) at the top. 

Step 3 - Once you have scanned all the Mac Addresses and IP addresses, it's time to perform the Man In the middle attack. For that, Click on the APR tab at the bottom and then click on the white area in the top frame. This will turn the "+" sign into blue color.

Step 4 - Next click on the "+" sign, lists of hosts will appear, select the hosts which you want to intercept the traffic between. In my case at the left side would be my default gateway and on the right would be my victim hosts. 

Step 5 - Click ok and then finally click the "Yellow Button" just under the file menu of  "Cain and abel", Now it will start poisoning the routes in a short span of time and you would start to see traffic being captured by cain and abel. 

Monitor a Facebook Account from any where in the world

Hack A Facebook Account [Packet Sniffing Wireshark] {STEP 2}

So, since we have already poisoned victim's ARP Cache, all the traffic going from the victim to the router will be captured by our packet sniffer (Wireshark). But before we capture the cookie, i would like to explain briefly regarding "Facebook Authentication Cookies".

Facebook Authentication Cookies
Well, at the time i wrote the tutorial "Facebook Cookie Stealing And Session Hijacking" Facebook used "Datr" as their authentication cookie, Now facebook uses two cookies instead of one, namely "c_user" and "xs" for authenticating a user. Therefore we would need to capture both of these cookies and replace them with our cookie to hack a facebook account.  So here is how you would capture authentication cookies with facebook. 

Step 1 - First of all download wireshark from the official website and install it.

Step 2 - Next open up wireshark click on analyze and then click on interfaces.

Step 3 - Next choose the appropriate interface and click on start.

Step 4 - Continue sniffing for around 10 minutes.

Step 5 - After 10minutes stop the packet sniffing by going to the capture menu and clicking on Stop.

Step 6 - Next set the filter to http.cookie contains “datr” at top left, This filter will search for all the http cookies with the name datr, And datr as we know is the name of the facebook authentication cookie.

Step 7 -  Next right click on it and goto Copy - Bytes - Printable Text only.

Step 8 - Now you would see lots of cookie values, however c_user and xs would be the only ones of our interest. Copy both of the values in a notepad. 

Hack A Facebook Account [Cookie Editing] {Step 3}
Now, finally it's time to hack a facebook account by using the cookie values we captured, for this purpose you would need a cookie editor, I will use a firefox addon called "Cookie Manager" to replace the cookies.

Step 1 

First of all open up firefox and browse to

Step 2  

Next open up the cookie manger (Tools - CookieManager+)

Step 3  

Next click the "add" button.  Fill in the following values: (Take a look at the screenshots below for more clarification)

For Authentication Cookie: c_user

Name: c_user
Value: The value of the cookie that was captured.

For Authentication Cookie: xs

Name: xs
Value: The value of the cookie that was captured.

Step 4 -

Next click on the save button, Finally you just need to refresh your page and you would be logged in to the victims account, thus you have hacked a facebook account by session hijacking attack. 

Note: This Attack will only work if victim is on a http:// connection and even on https:// if end to end encryption is not enabled.

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